Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Old Musing

Traffic reminds me of the sea.

The cry of the gulls,

Reminded of origins

return to visit

the water

piscine movement

and knowing,

the silence of being.



as you read this,

Could you

Just a little bit,

for no reason

something beautiful

is around you,

that stirs your gratitude

just for fun,



Feb 1, 2006 9:58 pm

It is clear that at some level I am almost always looking for love and approval especially from those close to me. As I am looking outside myself for "you" (or another) to give me something I want, (approval, love, etc.) I am compromised in my ability to be honest with you (remember, I'm looking for love here.) I am rather likely to treat you very carefully so I can get what I think I "want".

If this is going on in both people unseen, it will be very difficult to sustain the relating in the face of this tension between getting what we want and being honest with ourselves about what we feel and want in that moment atempting to "get".

At a very deep level I suggest that no one else can make me happy, at best I can find people who are happy and hang out with them, but if I'm feeding off their happiness it will be a short time until I see that they are not quite making me happy in the way I want.

A friend once pointed out that when I say, "I love you" to someone what I am really saying might also be expressed as "I'm happy and I think it has something to do with you". The converse would be "I hate you" to be interpreted as "I'm unhappy and I think it has something to do with you"

This is definitely a minority opinion. However it does allow us the opportunity glimpse what is possible with a very small shift of focus, that my happiness in this moment is largely determined by whether or not I am contracted into my sympathetic nervous system or utilizing my capacity to enjoy the moment, which happens when I relax, enjoy, and appreciate the beauty that is.

This is difficult if we do not remember that we have been raised and live in a global energetic field contraction of and suffering . . .

Ultimately people will be far likelier to relax, love & enjoy when I do, and that relaxation happens when we see that contracting serves us not at all. If we believe that tensing up will help, when will we stop?



Feb 1, 2006 2:00 pm

This Longing, it

Does not stop

It changes every moment

And returns like the tide

Rising, falling, in it's own beautiful music

like the moon. Shedding light

Revealing beauty

As I circle, shedding knowing

Longing for the emptiness

In that rhythm.



The Shoreline

Jan 30, 2006 4:31 pm

I have always been afraid of the sea

As a child I nearly drowned any number of times

Not that I have ever stayed away

From that luminal space

Between the shoreline and the sea

Where things appear to chase me, or run away

I can either meet or retreat, from my life

What is there now, will never be the same

And what was then is gone forever

Not to hurt or please me again

Except through the mirror of memory.

We are all there, between the tides rising and falling

Letting no one we love leave this shore of being

Except to travel away to the dry land of conviction

Or deep into surrender.

June 7th 2005



Poem for the ocean

Jan 26, 2006 1:16 pm

I am lost out at sea,
far beyond the horizon
The shore a distant memory
being carried along
not even trying to swim,
i make feeble movements
of surrender and resistance
that make absolutely no difference
yet bring unsought
grace to life



I am That

Jan 26, 2006 1:11 pm

I am not this wanting

I am not even this pain

I am somewhere else

Deeper, Meaning full


These Habits of desire are not living

They are a habitual dying of choice

To surrender to what is

Or suffer, endlessly



15 April 2005



Back in my fathers house

Jan 21, 2006 2:29 pm

I saw the mess in the basement

Was being cleaned

Repairs were being made

You must start there

In the blood and the mud

To seek anew the foundations laid

Beneath every thing

The essence there, is plain to see

Surrounding us everywhere

Behind the gun, held to our head,

Is an amazing place

There's no one there, and nothing else

Can ever begin to compare

So it's up to you.




Musings on baggage (from last june)

Jan 21, 2006 2:29 pm

i think about the past and what i thought I did want
that now gives me nothing but pain:

so so bittersweet, the loss of all
the beautiful young women who loved,
that left

all the beautiful young women who loved,
that i left

these endless drama's
of heartbreak
such a beautiful story
but so wearying to the soul.

my limited vocabulary has failed me

More confusion than truth
this dazed walking around in the dark



117 words on Mr. Cohen

Jan 20, 2006 10:30 pm

If I had

"a secret life"

I would die, because I could not keep it secret from you.

Still I know where I find my pleasure, and I know what it will hold

No mater where I find my self going, of course I return to the bank

On bogie street that hold the mortgage on my soul.

I gaze through the window confused, have I not been here before

The buzzer to enter, the guard at the door

I know I was robbed here a long time ago.

I walk by quickly trying not to remember

With who and for what and how there

It all came to me this morning

My father really did care.



No choice

Jan 20, 2006 8:02 pm

But to love

Any option leaves us smaller

And the world darker

Wanting this light

To see the path

That is before me





Jan 20, 2006 8:38 am

I am here

do not ask more of me

I am all that I can be

No striving for any greater love

Or happiness will bring us

A better experience

I cannot be the answer

I am only the question

Like narcissus looking for my reflections

I find no answer, only peace

From prosecution and my heirs.

Wanting is pure hell

Only solace found in surrender

Calling from emptiness

Recalling the price of separation

This merging breaks my heart

To empty again, only to find

Fruition in the filling once more.


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Jan 19, 2006 6:18 pm

I cannot tell you what pattern drives

This pain, into my heart, again and again

I do know, whatever love I found

Was always there, is now there. And will remain.

So Why?

do I return to this


the last object, the focus of my desire

That is unavailable.

Now, I am left only this wandering.

Lost in being,

then returning,

to peace.

April 27th 2005

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Foreign object

Jan 19, 2006 9:23 am

This sliver

is it in my throat, or my heart?

or are there two wounds

like gifts

separate yet complimentary, or is

this mantra in my throat, the only obstruction

blocking attempts at true speech

"I don't want to hurt you"

an old memory from childhood

buried in the rubble of trauma

whispering out of the tears

I am left wondering

who was being addressed?


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Jan 13, 2006 9:40 pm

To burn, the flame must be fed,

Give it all your wanting, every single desire

All the fucked up, held back, never satisfied,

Absolute hungering for love.

All the fear of abandonment:

Be alone with this burning

All else falling aside, crumbling like towers in the flames

Shiva Dancing in your heart of your homeland

Burning everything you tried to keep safe, hold dear, protect.

Feed it the love you have. The love you wanted

Every tear, every orgasm, every last piece of shit

All of it and more, nothing held back

Or else spend your life in this fire, until you become old, and careful with fuel,

Nurturing this small, precious flame.

Every last dream of succor

No one, nothing held back even this last small wanting. . .




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Jan 12, 2006 6:29 pm

I stand again in this place

Where nothing moves,

no vision or stir of breath within Nyx's realm


bodies, sensations, a furry, the fire of motion

Blind to what I see and denying what is before me

at what speed does violence move in the heart ?

how quick the defensive patterns response?

who sacrifices to Ares in the green fields outside the city

whose fine white stallions slaughtered with
Krishna's Oxen ?

in this fog of war that pervades the land.


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For better or worse, my own.

Jan 12, 2006 10:55 am
Mood: melancholy, 715 Views

Betrayal in a novelty only once

The ashes of bonfires
mark the passage of my life
burnt bridges, rain soaked pylons
fairy circles on another shore
no longer touching
yet sympathetically

loving words
cannot change
the past


focus is crucial
how awake,
each moment
can I be ?

the deliverance I crave
can only be found in this moment
how quickly do I abandon myself?

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Jan 11, 2006 11:59 am

Until you can earn your way
Clean your den
Every week/
Between the shifts
Of those that care for you
Clean the den
of your heart
Of what stain
you may have
laid to rest

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three dots to many

Jan 8, 2006 2:51 pm

Love is the voice at the door
love is the sea rolling into your soul
love is the moment not asking for anything more

Uhh . . . Does size matter ?


uh hum,

let's see

it helps,
but its the energy. . .

You are so good at saying so little
and then nothing at all

nothing about you is quite innocent

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christmas lovers

Jan 4, 2006 9:17 am

Christmas lovers

I miss something often

here with me

I am artfully confusing

sex and love are such different things.

yet we do them both naked.

I am not what i do, or even what i am

essence beyond knowing

i flounder in this storm

of sensation

occluded by thought and re action

wishing only to lie there

touching you




christmass museing

Jan 4, 2006 9:09 am

washing dishes in the kitchen

I think of children in the world

I want it to be safe & peaceful

Something my home rarely was.

i was to live something different

than the story i used, to know, to use.

if you really know what i mean.

so there's my meandering heart

singing out to me at the window

to the earth, the sky and the tree.

I want to speak so clearly of meaning

That can only be found in the moment

that continues a song held unbroken

through every soul whether base or high

we come round again to this moment

the sun setting on the year nigh

What we call forth into being this year

could well be the last many see

I ask that we all tread lightly

its only one boat in the sea.




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Jan 3, 2006 5:05 pm

A meditation for the Earth

Body of star-ash, given form through water and desire
Fired transformation, of old ancestral stories
Moving through deep water darkly in to the light and shadows of the shallows,
Quickened in movement and birthed in slow contraction after long gestation.

This cosmos, this world, our bodies and our children
Hold our deaths within their hearts

To feel oneself as separate from the mother is Hubris
Thought is a gift from the father with clear responsibility
To return, deepen and embrace this re-late-ing
To my family, my cousins, my ancestors is the re-membering of maturity.

I may hold my body as a gift from Tumpallo
My Intellect a function of Tingan, with
A clear connection of the earth: community and abundance.
Is it any wonder that I feel alone when I forget or deny this,
Is it any wonder the bliss I am when I surrender too it's embrace?

Give and it shall be given to you is an old adage.
Our attention and intention are our most precious
Gifts to share with the rapidly changing dream
For they shape and hold, what is to come.

Awareness imbedded in contextual space-time
This dance partner of "now" is a beautiful chimera
Quickening our breath into this body, time, & place

So much is dying at our species hands
Our species like a mindless virus the mother /father has birthed
To destroy or make ready the earth / her-our body
For a another beginning, awareness, peace
That begins now, long ago, in a moment.


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