Monday, May 26, 2008

Version Three

After The Storm

I am alone
but for a dogs love,
Her who I have loved truly
Journeyed with to hell realms
No rejection of the cost
Life within the sanctuary of love
hearts shared abode
filled with a longing
in the beauty of this dawn.
Your grace
leaves the fullness
of love
in my heart

Ward Carleton Williams
6 March 2006 rev may 2008

I wish I had a picture of this

There is a picture in my soul
joyful yet sad, life and love in chaos
The drive for progeny obscures my love
I am lost of all knowing, into mystery
The magic of your scent, and taste, your softness and your sighs
I do not look elswhere for my family
i have seen it with you. Yety to let go
in truth, the pain is greater than the fear
what a relief, to allow this just to be.

a day with a dog, work and friends

I feel deeply happy, as if woken
from a long nightmare,
A prison in my heart
lies in ruins under the spring sky
radiant beams caress my
heart face, body as the world
some goddess/grandmother/maiden
has allowed me to life my dreams,
embrace the infinite joy and love that
surrounds me, and wonder if I’m
hopo manic, bi-polar,
or just wonderfully

Ocular Sinester

I notice I avoid my left eye
I’m shy and im shamed by it
honestly, it’s just the pain I
See there has no end.

What hell am I in
that delivers me to
this door?

And yet joy is my sweetest companion
along with Amaa the white Shepard
I am adrift between heartbreak and drowning in grief
Surrender is such sweet sorrow
Yet life, Life, LIFE is the only thing
worth living for

Just this

I exist to love
Compassion in horror
Seeing far more than
I would wish of my humanity
I am only left with love and longing
And it is the love that I am seeking
Is the love that I am.

And as I find my selfish truth of love
I see that I am not at all alone
we stand here sundered
from our family and our homes

The land was green, and the days were fair
:The irony that they remain so
when such change is in the air

So much I want to say
perhaps best left to lay
I have this love in my soul
I trust is there to stay

Regardless of my longing
in spite of times decay
some deep magic met us
on a fateful day

I sit here typing merrily
in my tears and my free way
At ease al last remembering
the results are still unseen

what choice but to surrender
my burdens, pain and desire
what come of this: I merely god’s will.
And she shows me mercy every day.

Friday, May 23, 2008

And yet Joy

I am wokrking, getiing out
dog sitting and excercising even
the tinest bit
smoking too much
organic ice cream
new dvd player
haunting the libarary
for distraction from the silence at night
sometimes i just cry and wish i was dead
and yet feel somehow, my life is not my own
that i have givin it away, my heart in peices
to everyone I kissed I run from the silence in
house, that eccoes whats benneth every momnets longing
so i must befirend this silence within
that eccoes without


It’s really quite ridiculous
Adolescent one might say
evoking smpathetic consolation
at the loss of ground
reluctance to let go
what is at the core
everything I know

داراى احساسات شديد،رقت انگيز،تاثراور،موثر،احساساتى ،حزن اور،سوزناک

Monday, May 19, 2008

The heartberak I feel
seems to be my own

yet perhaps it is my perspecrticve
"I" see from and truely it simply is:

to everything

all are

Friday, May 16, 2008


I prayed for peace, I pray for our peoples, I pray and offer water, for peace in my hearIt must be within me, this peace i desire, like a seed, it is now planted, let it become a clear mirrorthat i may reflect in, to see and surrender my anger, as it surfaces, let it evaporate and transmuteby the grace of god. Into god, into love.