Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thoughts on huanintys inhumanity and all it implyies.

I wonder where "my" mental health and "the worlds" meet. . .
In my head and my heart and again, the I feels so vulnerable
I'm raw and burnt. Torn and hurt, mostly by the super critic
The voice that  knows it knows best. And no good, it has to say.

Loving the catastrophe, or seeing it as perfect, is that so hard?
It's letting go of my ideas of good and god and write and wrong?
It's not that simple, it's subtle, to not hate each other or ourselves
Where does god go when we torture? Ourselves? Our family.
Where is god when we  rape, torture, each others children?
All addiction the utterly futile attempt to numb out the self loathing.
Shame, hatred, despair of total confusion.

We teach  our children to kill on other human being on a tv screen.
The irony of the training  "Targets" with accompanying collateral
Damage, again our sisters and children, our own souls,
Reflected in the screen, beamed directly into our brain,
"Heads Up"  display of the Empire.

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