Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday Morning

Awoke listening to Leonard Cohen, A beautiful sunrise, but cool here in central San Rafael. The farmers market was quiet @ 8 AM, normal for post holiday shopping. I missed my Wheat Grass man, Jim, obviously on vacation. I hope he is having a good time. In a few years this peace @ 8 will be gone.

Still very jet lagged and acclimating to the west after 2 months in India. Yelda gets home this evening and i am so looking forward to being with her again after a long absence.

The house is drying out from the flood day before yesterday, the de-humidifiers are running and i am surrendering to the idea of re-modeling the downstairs bath in light of the water damage.

Drinking my first smoothie in 60 days or so, It is sooo good. Happy to be getting onto my Western support program (Thanks too Sisu) . Life here is so different to what i had just got used to in India. It is quiet, clean, a bit lonely and totally absent of Cows, intense searching looks from strangers and the Ambiance of India. I know it is there, on the other side of the world and in my heart, I just do not see it reflected in the eyes of my fellow Marin county residents.

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