Given the reality of the global degradation of the environment as well as the general lack of realistic opportunity for global change, I'm happy to not be miserable or suicidal. To be honest, it is not I that is suicidal, but the trans-national corporate, and "elitist" society at large, whose actions are causing global catastrophes and genocides of biodiversity as well as the slow motion genocide of humanity through pollution, war and short sighted "free market" capitalism, specifically the transfer of resources from the collective to the elite, powerful and wealthy sociopaths that market the system..
It is more accurately stated that I am acutely aware of humanities suicidal and self destructive actions in the name of security, power, sales or whatever adjective of denial you choose. This makes the global market an addictive one of great self destructive reality constantly confirming it's own denial. One's whose total and complete rejection of the possibility of change in the face of destructive behavior dooms us all to extinction.
Ironically, from this perspective it is finally possible to enjoy life as it is: without the confusion or denial of responsibility and yet maintain the most freedom simply by refusing to be a global consumer (to the greatest possible extant). If there is a meaningful sense to the word "recovery" it lies in this area of abstinence, for me. No longer do i have to constantly consume. I can stop, for a moment, an hour, even longer, I can learn to be generative and giving to others and myself.
Simply said this means not driving much; consuming as little non renewable resources as possible, not purchasing commodities that are produced by corporations and ultimately opting out of the consumption cycle to the greatest possible extant (including not replicating). It is a wonderful thing to exercise power in the ability to abstain. There is beauty and grandeur in saying, no more, not again, will i doom the planet and a soul to the realm of destruction. For me and my quality of life it also means earning as little money as is absolutely necessary for basic health and well being and essentially refusing to be a global "consumer". Therefore again limiting the amount or resources I use or expend in business operations. This also allows me to reduce my environmental impact and tacit support of the status quo.Sometimes the most revolutionary action is to simply stop running and appreciate what is available in the present.
While I am sure there is much else to be "done" along these lines it has been absolutely crucial for me to get some clarity around the suicidal self destructive market based "society" I am constantly trying to differentiate myself from for a personal sense of well being, as well as the natural pursuit or drive, for truth and clarity. Finally it offers me a more accurate perspective on my own responsibilities, which are accepted, rather than imposed. Celebrated rather than endured.