Thursday, July 30, 2009


Strange to find myself led to writing about this survivalist idea

Old as catastrophe, or pestilence or plague, the whole good bad and

the ugly Without the good, or watch out that could mean you (or some abstract,

{but very real you know} community of lovers, do~gooders and people

of questionable character, for verisimilitude and the opportunity to offer

relevant political critique based in  whatever. . .


So back to the bunker and the camo, generators and seed banks, and fertilizer a

nd composting toilets and all the shit to be able to make parts to make parts to

make parts to make circuit boards. All that shit, in the long run it's and end game

to raiders and strongholds, but surprises will come and multiple fall back positions

are expensive: people are simply ireplaceable.

Fuck it. Die with the rest of us, or not, no worries.


Oh yea, forget the future, you have to survive the immanent present when cops

stop going to work for us and join the opposition. If we don't have a militia or ability to

Control such now unemployed vets and cops and support personal to guard our shit,

Were fresh fish: to be raped and eaten or worse. Russia in particular has horrifying

examples. We have some pretty sick shit on Video and porn now, so who knows

how ugly it can get? But we do know were talking about young American men,

military or not, with no future, swine flu perhaps, god only Knows?  Or nothing,

slow incremental economic improvements, some tax hikes, getting the hell out

of Afghanistan and taxing the oil imports, (ought to boost internal output and

employment In red states, not a bad idea, rich conservatives will give the liberals

time to sharpen their quills and write some decent reversions to the tax code.

Simplification. Tax wealth transfers and loan against large capital. Fleece the

goose. Fund single payer


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rant & Rave

Perhaps police  budgets are

defense & security the stock market budget.

 wonder how it would look:

 our financial "crisis"  an opportunity to

Cut our defense, security and terror addiction.

 put only the violent in prison

Heal the disturbed and tax the rich

loving the rhythm of this ancient yiippie yowl

libraries the size of malls, and

Schools in sports arenas,

metro system instead of cars.

What man promised us change and

Vision to only feed his friends

And kill more again.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

how much do you want this

will you lie to have it
or prefer me in reply
gone the moment
words pass then

This habit kills the hope
quash the dream the gutted
imagination, from breathing again.

Judgmental a demon seduced
us a pornographic succubus
from desire for love

Imagining sex and security
a reasonable panacea for life.
destruction of idle lives

rhetoric, grandiose
posturing / depression
fear of failure
beyond any fault

We suffer collectively
insane denial of mutual complicity
we know the positions of theft
as we rape and whore Babylon

Whether bedroom whatever marketplace
facile personal
trauma's that leave us
anxious and depressed

Omitting only the present
struggle to desire
some touch
in moments gaze that go's beyond

this shattered life and dreams
i've worsted and so desperately desire
beyond imagination
in the stars gaze.


Saturday, July 25, 2009


What value is profit if gains are from another's loss

When the sky gets dark one becomes restless and unsure

Everything that comes feels like a threat

To everything known or desired

Startled awake in the night alone and afraid

Panic of life when afraid to die

What makes me stumble through this life

As if; I was afraid to love

Life that is not mine but flows through

For what is born is certain to die

What it profit a man if he lies his way

Across a planet and never cries?

For the children never born

To enjoy the day, even though

Doomed to die? Who am i to begrudge

life's rush, the dawns flush, every day

What matters is not "our" life,

but our capacity to love it,

the other, easier

you, than me

I wonder why.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kissing This

There is no God but Love

No love in the singular, the exclusive, the I

Apart from the whole,

That connection is Love.

Love appears between love

Like pages appear between the covers of a book.

From the side the say nothing, inscrutable, obscured.

Yet opening gently, full of meaning, dialogue and joy

Until closed, when only a memory or feeling remains,

The solid pages that can stop a bullet from reaching the heart.

Allowing love to appear again, opening, the story continues.

Love without End.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jet Lag


Or travel bliss

This misdirection

Of attention

Into sensation

Small activities

Bring pleasure

Traveling home

One arrives.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Working, doing well,
Thank you.

No ideas,
So much freedom,
Budding peace
             within still

       outside movement
 the pull

    to remain.