Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So one day you decide to walk through the fear and embrace your gift.

The curse or the challenge you have failed at every day,
all of your life, except when filled by grace of love
those moments of work or women, nature and silence
that you picked up the pen and wrote, not ness rally out of pain,
or to save your own life, but in expression of the desire to serve.
Telling stories is like telling a lie when your trying to save a life
not even necessarily your own.

Your standing in the middle of the jungle in Guatemala, with some rich tourists that you’d be embarrassed to introduce too your mom. facing some kids with machetes and guns that don’t work, with only the language of fear and life, desperately wanting no one to die, I throw money, throw money, Todd Rundregun echoes through my mind in the middle of the jungle on the way to Tikal, we pay the road tax with grace and urine.

the audiences imagination is at stake. the primary work is to get words onto the screen. To create and express oneself emptiness in a way that engages the collective imagination, the creation and manipulation of memmes to force emotional maturation in the collective human psyche. The failure of the human race is the failures of the Bodhisattvas lack of patience.

It is the writers task to feed the innate craving for goodness in each person, to nurture and protect within the nest of words and images of the story, a warm and secure place for healing for the community.

I can’t help the run-on sentences.

I’m usually referring to the primary subject, yet not always so, read carefully and engage ones own imagination. What you think I mean may point you more clearly too your innate truth than anything this mind body stream may express.

I finally understand why people speak of channeling, that is after all, what the idea of the Muse is, the woman or women who engage and attract the masculine creative attention,
some how the energy of the purer. Expressed through, or motivated by fear of the Senex, death, disillusion, failure, is a catalyst for life, or egos grasping, at the very least.

So the challenge and opportunity to change the world, by re imaging it, re- creating it is the essence of reversionary history, for what we teach our children and tell ourselves does indeed create the Zeitgeist in which we live, yet a definition of enlightenment is to fully comprehend that human experience of death and suffering for the majority has not changed an iota from time out of mind. it has not changed in the last few generations or 6 as my life and my parents lives, long lived covered. there is great suffering and an joy in every moment, and so in the suffering of the majority is guaranteed and created a god realm to aspire to.

I realize that The reason I like Hienlien and card is that they imagine real heroes. the work to create innate trust and report in the readers mind to live to excess and yet be compassionate saviors of the saga. There is the scene of Araguna before the battle when he comprehends that all those he loves will die on the field of battle fighting each other and this is the deepest metaphor of our communites and familes that we shall ever have.
the onging challenge to bring imagintion, healing and humor to the moment is only balanced through our deed respect for all we cannot know.

There is no recipe for love. No guide to do it four us. Often we have to wait our entire lives for a simple glimpse of joy. I often have waited far to long between glances. Yet all the time, every day we share some compassion with another human, we deepen our own, for ourselfves.